Mastering K9 Performance!
This is an interactive and engaging 8 week virtual training course that will take your training knowledge and skills to the next level!

Dog Sport Rule Books

- FCI IGP Rule Book- FCI IGP Rule Book


- USCA IGP Rule Book- USCA IGP 2019 Rules and Regulations

- French Ring Rule Book- NARA French Ring Rule Book


- Mondio Ring Rule Book- FCI USMRA Rule Book


- UKC Nosework Rule Book- UKC Nosework Rule Book


- Ultimate Air Dogs Rule Book- Ultimate Air Dog Rules


- AKC Obedience Rules and Regs- AKC Obedience Rules and Regs


- AKC Agility Rules and Regs- AKC Agility Rules and Regs


- Dock Dogs Rules and Policies- Dock Dogs Rules and Policies



- PSA Rule book- PSA Rule Book

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