Mastering K9 Performance!
This is an interactive and engaging 8 week virtual training course that will take your training knowledge and skills to the next level!



Dave discusses and demonstrates how to stabilize your dog and help get tight pick ups.

Dave discusses and demonstrates how to stabilize your dog and help get tight pick ups.


Dave gives his description of competition heeling during DKA workshop.

Dave gives his description of competition heeling during DKA workshop.


Dave discusses and works on different options and ideas for "in motion exercises" for ipo or akc obedience.

Dave discusses and works on different options and ideas for "in motion exercises" for ipo or akc obedience.


Dave demonstrating "Hand Touches" with Irie.

Dave demonstrating "Hand Touches" with Irie.


Anton 2016 Obedience WDC

Anton 2016 Obedience WDC


Dave discusses "Capping" and how to teach a dog to turn off barking and turn back on.

Dave discusses after you teach a dog to bark for comp obedience how to also teach it to not bark. This is called "capping"


Dave and Anton vom Fuchsstein IPO 3 Obedience 93 points

Dave and Anton Ipo 3 obedience 93 points.


Dave Kroyer discusses the importance of true "one way engagement" and demonstrates it with his dog Irie. DKA Dave Kroyer discusses true engagement and demonstrates it with his dog irie.

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