Mastering K9 Performance!
This is an interactive and engaging 8 week virtual training course that will take your training knowledge and skills to the next level!



Dave discusses and works on different options and ideas for "in motion exercises" for ipo or akc obedience.

Dave discusses and works on different options and ideas for "in motion exercises" for ipo or akc obedience.


Dave discusses barking for conditioning for IPO dogs.

Dave discusses barking for conditioning for IPO dogs.


Dave discusses moment marking and reinforcing the HOLD for retrieves

Dave discusses moment marking and reinforcing the HOLD for retrieves


Dave discusses transferring barking from back tie to off the back tie part 2

Transferring barking from back tie to off back tie part 2 alternate ways to teach barking.


Dave discusses his A.I.S.D (article indication shaping device) and how to train articles for IPO, AKC and Police tracking or article search

Dave discusses his AISD and how to train articles for IPO, AKC tracking and Police article search


Dave and Anton vom Fuchsstein IPO 3 protection 92 points

Got a little scary at the end...... But we made it through!


Dave and Anton vom Fuchsstein IPO 3 Obedience 93 points

Dave and Anton Ipo 3 obedience 93 points.


A frame and palisade foundation training.

Dave works foundation for ipo a frame and ring sport palisade with irie.

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